Serve on a Grant Review Committee
Impact100 Sonoma’s grants work is an essential component of contributing to a just and thriving Sonoma Valley. Serving as a Grant Review Committee (GRC) member draws you into engagement with our nonprofit community. You will review the nonprofit applications, explore them in depth through site visits, and determine which proposals you believe can have the most significant impact and also have the greatest opportunity to successfully utilize the funds. If this sounds like meaningful work, and you want to become involved, read through the questions below for more detail about Grant Review Committee participation and what to expect. If you have read the details and understand the time commitment and calendar for GRC service, please sign up here: GRC Registration If you have any questions about your registration, please contact our GRC Registrar at "The emotional fulfillment that comes with serving as a leader or lending your talents for a cause you care about can sometimes supersede the fulfillment you gain by just doing well in your job. It can serve as a conduit for personal growth and gratification that goes beyond a salary or hourly wage and help bring in new perspectives for professional creativity and innovation." Wendy Steele - Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Impact100 Global Read the full article here. What do Impact100 Sonoma Grant Review Committees do? Grant Review Committees are established annually for the winter/spring grant review season. Committee members read and review grant applications and participate in a thorough vetting process that leads to recommending finalists to be voted on by the entire Impact100 Sonoma membership.
Is there a calendar for the Grant Review Committees? How much time does it take?Our grant review season will take place on a timeline from January – April 2025. Most meetings will be held in person, though some site visits may be held via Zoom. Committee members will be expected to devote approximately 25 hours of their time to the process. Key dates for 2025 are in the Grant Review Committee Calendar on the right side of this page. What qualifications do I need?The basic qualifications to join a Grant Review Committee include:
If I have served on a committee previously, do I need to register again this year?YES! You must register anew every year for a GRC, even if you are leading a committee! This is to ensure you are familiar with any new dates and responsibilities, but most importantly, you must fill out a new confidentiality agreement and conflict of interest form each year. How can I register for a GRC?
What are the next steps after I register?
Serve on the Financial Review Committeetee What does the Financial Review Committee do, and how do I volunteer?The function of the Financial Review Committee (FRC) is to act as the fiduciary for Impact100 to assure members that all the nonprofits who apply for grants have the financial viability and stability to insure they can meet the representations made in their grant application. The FRC reviews the financial statements and other financial data provided by the nonprofit in support of its grant application. It is an entity-focused financial review, not a grant-focused qualitative review, that is the focus of the Grant Review Committees (GRCs). The FRC's work is intensely focused over a three-week period in January and involves two committee meetings during which we review the financials of every vetted grant applicant. If you have a strong financial background, and are interested in the opportunity to serve on the FRC, please email Barbara Morrison or Sedra Shapiro-Nathan and they will contact you to discuss the necessary qualifications. For further questions regarding serving on or registering for a 2025 Committee, please contact:
| Grant Review Committee Calendar
All dates and times subject to change Meeting locations TBA |
Grant Review Committee Resources In 2024, we answered Member questions about our Grants here: Member FAQ for Grants 2024 If you are new to Impact100 grant review, or simply want a refresher on the process, please watch these two brief explanatory videos prior to the first in-person training: Grant Review Committee Training Modules If you would like to know more about core mission funding and its importance to our Sonoma Valley nonprofits, please watch this informative presentation by Impact100 member and Catalyst Fund Grants Chair, Diana Sanson: From The Center for Effective Philanthropy comes this blog post further describing Why Giving for Core Mission Support Matters. Grant Review Committee Resource Documents (Members only; you must be logged in to open): 1. Position Description and Calendar: GRC Members 2. Grant Recipient Cumulative History 2009-2024 3. Grantmaking History Narrative 2009-2024 5. Impact100 Sonoma Values and Equity Commitment 7. Foundant Step-by-Step Directions
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