You will find other important grants history in Member Resources (you must be logged in to view):
Grant Recipient Cumulative History 2009-2024
2024 Grant Recipients
In 2024 we added a new multi-year program, the Encore Grant, to our Impetus Grants. Nonprofits applied for the Encore within their Impetus application, explaining how a second consecutive year of funding would allow them to build upon the impact of an Impetus Grant. In a second vote, our members selected one Impetus Grant recipient to also receive the Encore. The Encore Grant comes with a fully-paid two-year membership in Impact100 for a woman (or women, in the case of a shared membership) affiliated with the recipient organization.
Impetus Grants:
Art Escape:
$25,000 to support the salary of their Program Director, who plans and implements all creative educational programs
Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley:
$25,000 to expand the Clubs' free mental health programs for youth in the form of individual and group therapy
Ceres Community Project:
$25,000 to fulfill the specific nutritional needs of people struggling with chronic illness
Community Matters:
$25,000 to implement their Safe Schools Ambassadors Program at two valley schools
Kid Scoop News:
$25,000 to support their Parent Engagement Program, which helps families foster a love of reading in the home
La Luz Center:
$25,000 to develop a grassroots leadership network to identify unmet needs and facilitate access to resources
North Bay Children's Project:
$25,000 to fund development of an Infant and Toddler Center at Sassarini Elementary School
Sonoma County Regional Parks Foundation:
$25,000 to support a newly revitalized outdoor gathering space at Larson Park for all ages
Sonoma Immigrant Services:
$25,000 to support participation in their Citizenship Program and to fund additional immigration services
Sonoma Overnight Support:
$25,000 to provide meals and community connection for unhoused and food-deprived people
Sonoma Valley Education Foundation
$25,000 to support after-school enrichment programs Valley teens at SVHS
ViVO Youth Orchestra:
$25,000 to expand ViVo's instruction in string and wind instruments
Vintage House:
$25,000 to provide free transportation to isolated seniors who are no longer able to drive on their own
Encore Grant (to be paid in 2025):
Sonoma Immigrant Services:
$25,000 to enable them to continue to provide discounted immigration services such as green cards, visas and work permits
Total Grant dollars awarded: $325,000
In 2021 and 2022, Impact100 Sonoma continued Impetus Grants - awarding up to $25,000 to more than a dozen nonprofits rather than one large $100,000 grant - as a temporary pandemic related grant program. In 2023, we made Impetus Grants our primary grant program in order to distribute funding broadly. 2023 Grant Recipients 2022 Grant Recipients Impetus Grants: Impetus Grants: 10,000 Degrees: 10,000 Degrees: $25,000 to support alumna fellow advisor and fund college visits $25,000 to fund college advising and assistance for HS students Becoming Independent: Boys and Girls Club of Sonoma Valley: $9,689 as an unrestricted partial grant $24,990 to establish individual and group mental health services Cancer Support Sonoma: Career Technical Education Foundation: $25,000 to provide adjunct cancer treatments for underserved patients $23,000 to fund Ag-Engineering course at SVHS Farm to Pantry: Ceres Community Project: $9,850 to purchase logistics technology for food gleaning and distribution $25,000 to fund delivery of meals to clients with chronic illness Food for All/Comida para Todos: Kid Scoop News: $25,000 to purchase food for families in need $25,000 to support Parent Engagement Coordinator Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH): La Luz Center: $25,000 to support ongoing food and rental assistance programs $25,000 to develop Aventura Artistica program for Latinx youth Homeless Action Sonoma (HAS): On the Move: $23,972 to provide mental health services at HAS village (collab. Hanna Center) $25,000 to provide LGBTQ supportive programming for middle-school Just1mike: Redwood Empire Food Bank: $20,000 to fund 2 AED stations and provide heart screening for youth $25,000 to continue food distribution at 13 Sonoma Valley sites LifeWorks of Sonoma County: Ruthless Kindness: $20,000 to fund El Puente, family counseling and intervention services $12,510 as an unrestricted partial grant Redwood Empire Food Bank: Social Advocates for Youth (SAY): $25,000 to provide ongoing food distribution services $25,000 to provide on-site grief services at Sonoma Valley schools Sebastiani Theatre Foundation: Sonoma Overnight Support (SOS): $25,000 to fund an evaluation of the theatre’s aging stage fly/rigging system $25,000 to provide meals to the Valley's hungry and homeless Sonoma Community Center: Sonoma Valley Education Foundation: $25,000 to fund a bilingual Early Childhood Music Education program $25,000 to subsidize preschool for low-income students Sonoma Ecology Center: Valley Vibes Orchestra (ViVO): $9,689 as an unrestricted partial grant $25,000 to bring a new intensive strings program to Dunbar ES Sonoma Overlook Trail (SOT) Stewards: Vintage House: $25,000 to support permanent improvements for the publicly accessible trail $25,000 to support the MyRide program for seniors Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance: $25,000 to fund a wide-ranging series of activities for mentoring pairs Square Peg Foundation: $19,200 to support equine therapy programs for autistic and trauma-afflicted youth
Total Grant dollars awarded: $337,400 Total Grant dollars awarded: $335,500 |
2021 Grant Recipients 2020 Grant Recipients
In 2021, Impact100 Sonoma adopted a new Impetus Grants In 2020, due to the the COVID-19 pandemic, our regular
Model, for up to $25,000 of core mission support. grant preview process was suspended and equal unrestricted grants of $13,170 apiece were awarded to the 23 organizations
already selected for a site visit.
Impetus Grants:
Boys and Girls Club Sonoma Valley: 10,000 Degrees
$20,000 to support a merger with Teen Services Sonoma Audubon Canyon Ranch
Cancer Support Sonoma: Becoming Independent
$5,786.36 as an unrestricted partial grant Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH)
Ceres Community Project: Jack London Park Partners
$25,000 to fund delivery of healthy meals to clients with chronic illness Kid Scoop News
Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH): La Luz Center
$25,000 to augment rental and utility fund for vulnerable families North Bay Children's Center
Kid Scoop News: On the Move
$25,000 to fund Parent Outreach and Engagement Coordinator for newsletter Pets Lifeline
La Luz Center: Social Advocates for Youth
$24,505.64 to establish a tech device lending library and digital lab Sonoma Ecology Center
Social Advocates for Youth: Sonoma Land Trust
$25,000 to expand hours of SAY's homeless outreach and prevention team Soroptimists International Sonoma
Sonoma Ecology Center: Sonoma Overnight Support (SOS)
$25,000 to fund student leaders and environmental summer programs Square Peg Foundation
Sonoma Overnight Support: Sonoma Valley Education Foundation
$25,000 to provide meals and human connection for the homeless in SV Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance
Sonoma Valley Education Foundation: Sweetwater Spectrum
$25,000 to expand summer program for SV elementary school children Teen Services Sonoma
Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance: Transcendence Theatre Company
$25,000 to help maintain mentoring centers, programs and staff Valley Vibes Orchestra
Valley Vibes Youth Orchestra: Vintage House
$24,708 to expand ViVO Youth Orchestra into SVHS
Vintage House:
$25,000 to provide nourishing meals for seniors with limited means
Total Grant dollars awarded: $300,000 Total Grant dollars awarded: $302,910
2019 Grant Recipients 2018 Grant Recipients
$100,000 Impact Grant: $100,000 Impact Grant:
Sonoma Valley Community Health Center: La Luz Centre:
New Vision Clinic Computer Literacy and Employment Counseling Services
Finalist Grants, $10,000 each: Finalist Grants, $10,000 each:
Challenge Sonoma Adventures Ropes Course Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance
Pets Lifeline Sustainable Sonoma
10th Anniversary Grant, $50,000: Community Grants:
Vintage House: Becoming independent :
Program expansion $20,000 to improve client-selected activity offerings
Cancer Support Sonoma:
Community Grants: $20,000 to support Patience Assistance Fund for cancer therapies
Art Escape: Jack London Park Partners:
$20,000 to fund Teen Art Lounge expansion $15,970 to expand 7th grade biodiversity education program
Ceres Community Project: Kenwood Education Foundation:
$20,000 to provide meals for families coping with serious illness $10,030 as an unrestricted partial grant
Challenge Sonoma Adventure Ropes Course collab. Redwood Empire Food Bank
with Sonoma Valley Youth and Family Services: $20,000 to provide fresh produce for food-insecure families
$14,500 as an unrestricted partial grant Sebastiani Theatre Foundation:
Community Matters: $20,000 to fund scholarships for theatre-arts programs
$19,500 to fund Safe Schools Ambassadors program in middle schools Sonoma Community Center:
Flowery Elementary School PTO $20,000 to upgrade safety and accessibility features
collab. with Flowery Elementary School: Sonoma Overnight Support (SOS):
$20,000 to purchase and install a new playground structure $20,000 to expand free Day Services program
Legal Aid of Sonoma County: Sonoma Valley Education Foundation:
$20,000 to provide assistance for keeping low-income tenants safely housed $20,000 to support expansion of music programs
North Coast Resource Conservation & Development Council: Vintage House:
$20,000 to fund Waste Wizards school recycling program $20,000 to fund a study of Sonoma Valley's senior population
Teen Services Sonoma:
$20,000 to expand Ready to Work program
Total Grant dollars awarded: $324,000 Total Grant dollars awarded: $306,000
2017 Grant Recipients 2016 Grant Recipients
$100,000 Impact Grant: $100,000 Impact Grant:
Sonoma Land Trust: 10,000 Degrees:
Sonoma Development Center Land Protection Project 10,000 Degrees Institute Sonoma Valley Expansion
Finalist Grants, $10,000 each: Finalist Grants, $20,000 each:
Community Child Care Council of Sonoma County Becoming Independent
La Luz Center Pets Lifeline
Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance
Community Grants: Community Grants:
10,000 Degrees: Ceres Community Project:
$20,000 to develop Middle school College Awareness Initiative $15,000 for Healing meals for Healthy Communities
On the Move: Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH):
$19,990 to expand Parent University program $15,000 to provide rental assistance for SV residents in need
Redwood Empire Food Bank: La Luz Center:
$20,000 to provide produce and staple foods for families in Sonoma Valley $15,000 to provide employment counseling and tech literacy classes
Social Advocates for Youth (SAY): Pets Lifeline:
$20,000 to expand grief services to SV youth $15,000 to expand spay/neuter capabilities
Sonoma Overlook Trail Stewards: Redwood Empire Food Bank:
$10,000 to repair erosion and damage on the Overlook Trail $15,000 to expand weekly distribution of fresh produce
Sonoma Valley Education Foundation: Sonoma Community Center:
$20,000 to develop Jump into Reading for K-3 students $10,000 to purchase a newer kiln to expand ceramics program
Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance: Sonoma Ecology Center:
$20,000 to fund a career exploration program $2,316 to fund the training of teen EnviroLeaders
Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance (Capital): SV Education Foundation:
$8,048 to upgrade eight Mentoring Centers $2,316 to fund college visits for Ag-Engineering Academies
Teen Services Sonoma: Teen Services Sonoma:
$19,845 to expand Ready to Work program $15,000 to launch a welding program
Teen Services Sonoma (Capital): Verity:
$14,344 to purchase quipment upgrades for Lovin' Oven kitchen $2,316 to educate and empower youth to prevent sexual violence
Vintage House:
$15,000 to expand LIMO; senior ride program
Total Grant dollars awarded: $292,227 Total Grant dollars awarded: $281,948
2015 Grant Recipients 2014 Grant Recipients
$100,000 Impact Grant: $100,000 Impact Grant:
On the Move: Redwood Empire Food Bank:
Sonoma Valley Parent University Diabetes Wellness Project of Sonoma Valley
Finalist Grants, $20,000 each: Finalist Grants, $20,000 each:
10,000 Degrees Sonoma Land Trust
Audubon Canyon Ranch Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance
Community Grants: Community Grants:
4Paws Learning and Wellness Center: Ceres Community Project:
$2,200 to expand canine social therapy teams $12,000 for Healing Meals for Healthy Communities
ArtsGuild: Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH), in collab. with SOS:
$15,000 to fund a mobile arts education program school $14,000 to establish a severe weather shelter for homeless in SV
Becoming Independent: Jack London State Park, in collab. with Hanna Boys Center:
$15,000 to purchase a new vehicle to transport clients $15,000 To employ teens on a trail restoration project
Ceres Community Project: On the Move, in partnership with SVUSD and La Luz:
$15,000 to provide nutritional needs for recuperating patients $15,000 To develop Parent University program
Community Matters: Sonoma Overnight Support (SOS):
$15,000 to establish Safe School Ambassadors at SV middle schools $15,000 To expand homeless drop-in services
Jack London Park Partners: Sonoma Valley Community Health Center:
$15,000 to conduct invasive species removal and other projects $13,000 to purchase equipment e for its dental clinic
La Luz Center: Teen Services of Sonoma:
$15,000 to provide tech literacy classes and employment counseling $15,000 to purchase a walk-in refrigerator for Lovin' Oven workspace
Pets Lifeline:
$800 to improve kennels and dog play area
Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance (Capital):
$15,000 to provide STEM learning tools for Mentoring Centers
$15,000 for Youth Empowerment and Support project
Total Grant dollars awarded: $263,000 Total Grant dollars awarded: $239,000
2013 Grant Recipients 2012 Grant Recipients
$100,000 Impact Grant: $100,000 Impact Grant:
Sonoma Valley Education Foundation: La Luz Center:
Smart Start; Preschool for All in Sonoma Valley Strengthening Families and the Community
Finalist Grants, $20,000 each: Finalist Grants, $20,000 each:
Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation Sonoma Community Center
WillMar Family Grief and Healing Center Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance
Community Grants: Community Grants:
Becoming Independent: 10,000 Degrees, in collab. with SV Education Foundation
$5,000 to develop and conduct Healthy Living classes and Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance:
Bookmobile/Literary Arts Guild: $15,000 to promote college attendance from ES through HS
$3,000 to provide a steel carport vehicle shelter for Bookmobile Bookmobile/Literary Arts Guild:
Boys and Girls Club in collab. $3,250 to provide supplies for Bookmobile
with the City of Sonoma, La Luz Center and SAY: California Parenting Institute:
$15,000 to develop an action plan focusing on gang prevention $15,000 to conduct parenting classes for high-risk families
California Parenting Institute: Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH):
$15,000 to provide gang prevention parent support services $15,000 for parking repaving, security camera and flooring
Ceres Community Project: Sonoma Overnight Support (SOS):
$15,000 to provide meals for families dealing with illness $11,000 to replace flooring and upgrade storage
Hospice by the Bay WillMar Family Grief and Healing Center
$8,500 to furnish a hospice suite within Sonoma Valley Hospital $9,000 to purchase supplies for on-the-go grief kits
On the Move/Voices:
$15,000 to provide foster care transition support services
Redwood Empire Food Bank:
$15,000 to establish hub distribution of food delivery
Total Grant dollars awarded: $231,500 Total Grant dollars awarded: $195,000
2011 Grant Recipients 2010 Grant Recipients
$100,000 Impact Grant: $100,000 Impact Grant:
Sonoma Valley Teen Services: Boys and Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley:
Skills for Life Program College Bound Program
Finalist Grants: Finalist Grants, $2,500 each:
No finalist grants; in order to create Sonoma Ecology Center
Community Grants pool Sonoma Valley Museum of Art
Social Advocates for Youth (SAY)
Community Grants: WillMar Family Grief and Healing Center
Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH):
$15,000 to provide facility improvements
Sebastiani Theatre Foundation:
$3,500 as an unrestricted partial grant
Sonoma Ecology Center:
$7,000 to furnish electricity for Garden Park
Sonoma Valley Health Care Center:
$9,000 to provide equipment for two new exam rooms
Sonoma Valley Mentoring Alliance:
$7,500 to establish a Girls' Empowerment Fund
Women's Initiative for Self-Employment:
$15,000 to provide microenterprise training
Total Grant dollars awarded: $157,000 Total Grant dollars awarded: $110,000
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